
Adjusting Your Existing Workspace – Workstations and Benching

Jul 3, 2020

OVID-19 is changing many aspects of how we work, plan space, and use our real estate. New space clearly won’t look like space designed a year ago and the challenge of maintaining productivity while addressing density, separation, and proximity is largely uncharted waters. For existing work environments, there are arguably more challenges surrounding separation, density, and proximity.  

The recent trend toward lower horizons has left us with many workstations at seated privacy or lower which may no longer be deemed acceptable. The easiest fix is to add glass to existing workstations to increase the barrier height without drastically compromising the overall look and feel of the space. Glass is easily cleaned and is the quickest way to Covid-proof your workstation without major dis-assembly.

We put together a brief animation to illustrate how existing Knoll workstations can be modified in the field.  

In this video, existing glass toppers can be switched out for taller glass. 7” glass was the popular choice for a few of our customers in prior years. We have recently switched this out for 14” or 21” glass seamlessly. Knoll also offers non-glass modules, including laminate, marker tile, metal, and fabric.

In addition to workstations, benching is another obvious area of concern in this virus-centric world. Workscape offers screens both for across the bench and side-to-side applications. These screens are easily added and cause minimal disruptions to the space. There are many choices of materials for these screens, including glass, slat-wall, fabric and others. Many of our screens are universal and can be added on to any manufacturer’s product.

Given recent client demand, we expect a bump in scheduling due to overloaded manufacturers and labor pool so planning out these changes require significant lead time.   

Let us know how we assist you with adjusting your office space.

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